报告题目:Fundamental Convergence of Numerical Methods for
Stochastic Differential Equations
In this talk we review theoretical results on the mean-square convergence of numerical methods for stochastic ordinary differential equations, stochastic delay differential equations, neutral stochastic delay differential equations, jump-diffusion differential equations, neutral stochastic delay differential equations with jump-diffusion, stochastic partial differential equations. These results are called fundamental convergence theorems of numerical methods for stochastic differential equations. In this talk we propose a fundamental convergence theorem of semi-discretisation for stochastic Schroedinger equations in temporal direction. And based on Feynman-Kac type formula on backward stochastic differential equations, we present a fundamental convergence theorem of numerical methods for backward stochastic differential equations, and apply it to the mean-square convergence of numerical schemes for backward stochastic differential equations. This talk is in collaboration with Dr. Chuchu Chen.
洪佳林, 研究员、博士生导师、中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院副院长。1994年在吉林大学获得博士学位,1995年至1996年在应用数学研究所作博士后,1996年11月在计算数学与科学工程计算研究所任副研究员,1997年3月至1999年3月受西班牙科学教育部资助在西班牙Valladolid大学做研究工作,1999年1月至今,历任数学与系统科学研究院副研究员、研究员、博士生导师。
主要研究方向: 动力系统保结构算法理论与应用,包括确定与随机哈密尔顿系统辛几何算法、确定与随机哈密尔顿偏微分方程的多辛几何算法、李群算法以及确定与随机微分系统的守恒型算法等。在“SIAM J. Numer. Anal”、“J. Comput. Phys.”、“Math. Comput.”、 “Stud. Math.”、“中国科学”等国际学术刊物上发表研究论文70余篇。