报告题目:Bifurcation Analysis in Models of Population Dynamics and Disease Transmissions
腾讯会议:841-765-336 密码:221110
报告摘要:Bifurcations are common in biological evolution. The prediction of bifurcation is very important for the management of biological process. I first introduce the possible mechanisms to identify bifurcations for population dynamics and epidemic models. Then I talk about our studies for the bifurcation in population models and disease transmission models that exhibit the bifurcations of codimension 2 and codimension 3.
报告人简介:王稳地,西南大学2级教授,博士生导师, 2005年获得重庆市名师称号, 2018年获得重庆市最美教师称号。从事生物数学的研究,在种群动力学和传染病动力学建模和分析方面发表论文100多篇,7次入选Elsevier数学类高引用论文作者。已经主持国家自然科学基金课题7项、教育部项目2项。